Family Owned and Operated

Family Owned and Operated
Hi! Here at A To Z Appliance Repair we are family owned and operated. Leonard Mullen runs all the service calls and you can directly talk to him about your appliance repairs. I Christy Mullen, run the business side. We are a pretty good team. When we got started, we felt prepared yet nervous as we began this journey. Leonard Mullen had attend Appliance Repair School in 2011. He had worked along the side of Bob Peterson Service, another professional and mentor in the field, and with his blessing we began on our own in 2011. Leonard Mullen has always enjoyed fixing things. As a young man he repaired cars next to his father. He is a natural at repairing anything. He repairs appliances because he loves to help people. I had a background in sales, advertising and business management. So we began as two hopefuls in the sea of business and thankfully we survived!! As of today we have been in business for over seven years and we predict that we will have many more to come. We are very thankful to our loyal customers and Heavens blessings.